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Standing on hard floors means hard work for your body after just a short time. To make working while standing more comfortable for you, we have developed the Aeris Muvmat. This special anti-fatigue mat is the perfect addition to your height-adjustable desk, but also for all other workplaces where you have to stand for long periods of time. The topographical 3D structure in the standing mat activates the foot reflex zones, relaxes the muscles and keeps the body moving: like taking a walk on the forest floor.

Thanks to its extremely durable top layer, our anti-fatigue mat can be used with shoes - but is also perfect for barefoot fans. In addition to the office workplace, you can also use the standing mat in production, in the laboratory and at home. Simply wherever you work standing up.

The active zone
The Aeris Muvmat has a unique 3D topographical structure that gives your feet the feeling of standing on the forest floor. More precisely: on roots, stones and soft moss. The anti-fatigue mat stimulates your foot reflex zones and thus blood circulation. In addition, your posture is constantly adjusting a little. And if you move your feet, you don't create any mental problems either.

The active zone

The Aeris Muvmat has a unique 3D topographical structure that gives your feet the feeling of standing on the forest floor. More precisely: on roots, stones and soft moss. The anti-fatigue mat stimulates your foot reflex zones and thus blood circulation. In addition, your posture is constantly adjusting a little. And if you move your feet, you don't create any mental problems either.

The comfort zone

The resilient and relieving foam guarantees comfortable standing and is gentle on the joints. No matter whether with shoes, barefoot or socks - whether in the office, in production, in the laboratory or simply at home. The Aeris Muvmat works wherever standing for long periods of time is unavoidable. And who likes standing on hard ground? No one!

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